Quality Construction
With Prime Mix
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m10 GradeEfficient, On-Time
Concrete Delivery
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Quality Construction
With Prime Mix
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m10 GradeEfficient, On-Time
Concrete Delivery
for Every Project
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Building Strong
Foundations with
Reliable Concrete
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About Us

Prime Ready Mixed Concrete, as it is popularly called, refers to concrete that is specifically manufactured for delivery to the customer’s construction site in a freshly mixed and plastic or unhardened state, Concrete itself is a mixture of Portland Cement, water and aggregates comprising sand and gravel or crushed stone.

In traditional work sites, each of these materials is procured separately and mixed in specified proportions at site to make concrete. Ready Mixed Concrete is bought and sold by volume-usually expressed in cubic meters.

We have a Schwing Stetter CP30 Concrete Batch Mix Plant and Own Transit Mixers and high powered pumps. We can cater to projects being built within a radius of 50km in the city. We are vertically integrated with better manufacturing, marketing and financial resources in this industry than many others, and enjoy competitive edge over them.

Our organization is a strong, multifaceted, multidisciplinary and vibrant organization committed to delighting our customers through innovations. We have employed a team of efficient professionals who have rich experience and profound knowledge of the respective domain. Apart from this, we are pledged to provide flawless services that totally satisfy our customer needs of safety, Quality, Timely Delivery on a continuous basis. This shall be made possible through continuous improvement and approach of first time right.


Our Products


Prime concrete is manufactured at modern fully computerized plant with 3 cement silos. The mixing (operation uses rotation or stirring to coat the surface of the aggregates with cement paste and to blend the other ingredients uniformly. Continuous mixers are used to produce the perfect blend. Once the concrete mixture is ready, it is transported to the work site in transit mixers. Metro stationary pumps capable of discharging concrete at high elevations and over long distance.

Prime is capable to manufacture concrete maintaining the grade and mix design as required and instructed by the client. A large fleet of the latest models of Transit Mixers and concrete pumps to suit different terrains and work sites ensures that our customers get timely and uninterrupted supply of premium quality concrete

Ready Mix

Ready Mix Concrete is a composite material of cementitious (cement & mineral admixtures), water coarse aggregate (20mm & 12mm), fine aggregate (R Sand, M Sand, C Sand) & chemical admixtures. In its simplest form, concrete is a mixture of paste and aggregates (sand & rock). The paste, composed of cement and water, coats the surface of the fine (sand) and coarse aggregates (rocks) and binds them together into a rock-like mass known as concrete. The character of concrete is determined by the quality of the paste. The strength of the paste, in tum, depends on the ratio of water to cement. The water-cement ratio is the weight of the mixing water divided by the weight of the cement. High-quality concrete is produced by lowering the water-cement ratio as much as possible without sacrificing the workability of fresh concrete. Generally, using less water produces a higher quality concrete provided the concrete is properly placed, consolidated and cured.

Prime has raw material suppliers who supply consistent, uniform product. The strength of concrete is probably the most important property that must be tested to comply with specifications. To achieve the desired strength, we carefully control the manufacturing process, which we normally do by using statistical process control.

Metro has a up-to-date digitally equipped laboratory to test the concrete and aggregates etc. in precise conformity according to Indian Standards.

Mix designs are prepared by our well knowledge Concrete Technologist in the laboratory and are inspected by our plant specialists before the actual production. Quality control charts are thoroughly maintained by Metro and by the engineer on site to continually assess the strength of concrete.

Other properties important for compliance include cement content, water/cement ratio, and workability, and standard test methods. Quality Control Laboratory is also equipped to test raw materials, monitor and quality of concrete in production and to test the strength of concrete cubes/cylinders taken during production and also from the point of delivery.

  • Normal (PCC & RCC)
  • Screed (PCC)
  • Fastcrete
  • High Performance (HPC)
  • Self Compacted (SCC)
  • Colorcrete
  • Self Dynamic (SDC)
  • High Flow
  • Fibrecrete
  • Tempcrete (30C)
  • Lightcrete (EPS)
  • Watercrete

On-time Delivery

The concrete will be transported through transmis Prime Concrete maintains a foot of that mixer trucks of varying capacities which will deliver the ready mixed concrete to your site in accordance with an agreed upon schedule. Pumping is one of the eufficient means of pouring concrete in many situations-such as in high ne buildings pumping is the only viable option and will be pumped by concrete pumps to required place The minimum Quantity for pumping will be 30 cum/pour.

It is advisable not to pump the column concrete though pumps due to mechanical reasons. We have a Schwing Setter CP30 Concrete Batch Mix Plant and Own Tracers and high powered pumps. We can cater to projects being full within a rad of 50m in the city, we are vertically integrated with better manufacturing marketing and financial resources in this industry than many others and enjoy competitive edge over them.